Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Class 9, Exploring Second Life

This is the main page of Second Life Virtual World wher to begin by registering your account. 
You select a avatar and go on and explore the world. 
This is a screenshot of me walking around the world.
This is a screenshot of me about to go on a wooden bridge.
Here is a screenshot of my new avatar . I explored different avatars. 
this is the view from a lighthouse. 
Here I took a screenshot of me in a bar overlooking the ocean.
Here is a screenshot of me looking at TV in the virtual world.
Here I am lying down in water. 
Here I am looking at these horses. 
I am looking at this woman on the stairs. 
In this screenshot I am flying over the virtual world. 
Here I am in the desert right near the pyramid. 

In this assignment I explored the virtual world "Second Life" and went through the different scenes that they had and worked with the different avatars that they had. 

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